Open Calls
On this page we feature current open calls for proposal submissions in our RI and OS community.
This list is regularly updated.
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With this programme, Open Science NL aims to encourage researchers to carry out replication research. Open Science NL and NWO also want to gain experience that may lead to insights into an effective way for the inclusion of replication research in funding programmes, and to a better understanding of and reflection on NWO's requirements for research methodology and transparency.
In this Call for proposals, replication research of the following types can be funded: (1) Replication with existing data (reproduction): re-analysis of the data from the original study, with the same question; (2) Exact replication: a study with the same question and method as the original study, but with new data; (3) Less exact replication: a study with the same question and new data, with necessary adjustments in the study design compared to the original study.
Replications with new data and a different study design fall outside the scope of this programme.
For whom
Applicants are researchers affiliated to a Dutch knowledge institution as specified in the Call for proposals for the duration of the proposed project. They have demonstrable methodological competences to conduct or supervise the proposed research. Applicants should also have demonstrable expertise in the research area of the study to be replicated. If the study is carried out by several researchers, the composition of the project team should show that the relevant areas of expertise are represented in the team.
How much
A maximum of € 100,000 can be applied for per Type 1 project, and a maximum of € 200,000 per Type 2 or Type 3 project. This amount can be freely divided between personnel and material costs.
Deadline for proposals is set at Thursday 6 March 2025 at 14:00.
The maximum project duration is three years.
The Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research in cooperation with the QUEST Center for Responsible Research at the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) aims to provide recognition and publicity for outstanding efforts that enhance the rigor, reliability, robustness, and transparency of research in the life sciences, natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities, and stimulate awareness and activities fostering research quality among scientists, institutions, funders, and politicians.
To acknowledge and honor researchers, institutions, and early career researchers around the globe whose work helps to fundamentally advance the quality, transparency, and reproducibility of science and research. The 2025 winners will be awarded €350,000.
For Whom
The Individual Award honors individual researchers or small teams of collaborating researchers.
The Institutional Award recognizes organizations and research institutions.
The Early Career Award highlights innovative project proposals by researchers at the beginning of their careers.
How Much
Individual Award: The laureate will be awarded €150,000.
Institutional Award: The award-winning organization or institution will receive €100,000.
Early Career Award: Early career researchers or small teams of collaborating researchers can submit a project proposal that seeks to foster research quality and value for an award of €100,000.
Call is open until 10pm UTC on April 30, 2025. Laureates and finalists will be announced in November 2025.